Becoming a Patient
In order to be a patient at Hope Clinic, patients must meet specific eligibility criteria. When you first call about becoming a patient, you will be set up with an eligibility appointment. This is not only so we can provide free medical care, but also order free medications from the drug companies on behalf of our patients. Not all of the information below is required by Hope Clinic, but will be required for most of the drug companies that we work with. Your information will be kept in strictest confidence, and will only be used in order to secure medications on your behalf.

Hope Clinic provides services to all who meet the criteria outlined in this policy
without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, language capacity, citizenship,
gender, age, or disability.
Eligibility Criteria:
Between the ages of 18-64 (some exceptions are made for older than 64 if without insurance)
Uninsured or Underinsured (defined as out-of-pocket healthcare costs in the last year, not counting premiums, is 10% of the household income, or 5% if living below 200% Federal Poverty Level)
Be a resident of Pamlico, Craven, or Beaufort County
Must be able to attend appointments as scheduled
300% of the Federal Poverty Level or less (see chart below)